Texture synthesis with histogram-preserving blending
Thomas Deliot Unity Technologies , Eric Heitz Unity Technologies , Fabrice Neyret CNRS/Inria

Use this tool to synthesize a new texture of arbitrary size from a provided example stochastic texture, by splatting random tiles of the input to the output using histogram-preserving blending. It works on all random-phase inputs, as well as on many non-random-phase inputs which are stochastic and non-periodic, typically natural textures such as moss, granite, sand, bark, etc.

Disclaimer: this is a CPU implementation that runs in javascript. The GPU implementation presented in the paper is orders of magnitude faster.

1. Import example texture:

2. Is your example a tileable texture ?
Tileable textures allow more varied random tile sampling.

3. Select tile size in input image (0-50%):
Larger tile size allows preserving lower frequencies in the example.
The blue tiles drawn below illustrate a possible random sampling of the input with the chosen tile size.

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4. Select output image resolution (width, height):

5. Random seed:

6. Generate output:

7. Output:
The output display might be rescaled. Use the button above to download.
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