This github repository provides a generator for dither masks with blue-noise power spectrums. The generator is based on the algorithm introduced in the 1993 paper “Void-and-cluster method for dither array generation”, by Ulichney. The generated masks are tileable and can have arbitrary resolutions. The generator runs on the GPU and recquires an OpenGL4.5 compatible card. Link:

Use this tool to synthesize a new texture of arbitrary size from a provided example stochastic texture, by splatting random tiles of the input to the output using histogram-preserving blending. It works on all random-phase inputs, as well as on many non-random-phase inputs which are stochastic and non-periodic, typically natural textures such as moss, granite, sand, bark, etc.

Use this tool to turn an existing, non-tileable stochastic texture into a tileable texture, by manipulating its edges using histogram-preserving blending. It works on all random-phase inputs, as well as on many non-random-phase inputs which are stochastic and non-periodic, typically natural textures such as moss, granite, sand, bark, etc.