A Low-Discrepancy Sampler that Distributes Monte Carlo Errors as a Blue Noise in Screen Space
Eric Heitz , Unity Technologies Laurent Belcour , Unity Technologies Victor Ostromoukhov , LIRIS David Coeurjolly , LIRIS Jean-Claude Iehl LIRIS
Published in ACM SIGGRAPH Talks 2019

abstract supp. doc code unity demo supp. html video slides

Abstract. We introduce a sampler that generates per-pixel samples achieving high visual quality thanks to two key properties related to the Monte Carlo errors that it produces. First, the sequence of each pixel is an Owen-scrambled Sobol sequence that has state-of-the-art convergence properties. The Monte Carlo errors have thus low magnitudes. Second, these errors are distributed as a blue noise in screen space. This makes them visually even more acceptable. Our sam-pler is lightweight and fast. We implement it with a small texture and two xor operations. Our supplemental material provides comparisons against previous work for different scenes and sample counts.